Monday, June 26, 2006

What a feeling. Is it for real. No. Just your neurons passing a current between each other and releasing a dopamine that keeps u bound to that feeling for that person.
So, what's the source of that recurrent dopamine ?
The sight of the person, the memory of that person, the attraction towards that person.
Can you love a person without attraction? No
Attraction is the source of all Love between sexes. ( Please don't bring family here, I will address it in a separate post)
No attraction = No love.
Attraction = Love

But why do you always hear that infatuation is different from love? Just your desire for intercourse with one person, if it remains for a short time, it's infatuation, if it becomes a habit, it becomes love.(what's a habit is biological terms ?See next post)

Then comes marriage. Why do people marry? Just to legalize their regular habit of love making.
Basically all societies have an inbuilt notion that intercourse is bad. Why is this so? Because, all the old wise folk knew that love was a myth, attraction was reality. So they buried it under the name of Marriage. What happens behind closed doors between two humans, attracted to each other, was not their concern.

Marriage was sacrosanct ! Because, the only thing that could break a marriage was the shifting of attraction (read: love) to some other person, from your current partner. That was stopped by instilling a feeling of guilt that attraction(leading to new love making) for the other person is bad, and a marriage should be held on to, at all costs.

So was invented the notion of love, you love only one person in your life, etc......

The day you find that your partner to be uninteresting( unattractive), sexually, that very day love starts diminishing and the marriage comes under strain.

The day u realize that your partner is showing infidelity towards you, do you love him anymore? No! Just because the basis of all love is attraction, and any serious hurt eliminates all attraction in a flash. Had love been such a true feeling, it would never have gone away. If u still are ready to live with that person, its just so because the hurt didn't wipe out the attraction dopamine centre in your brain.

Marriage is further dependent on :
Kids: Its advised that you should have kids as soon as possible after marriage? Why? Just so that attraction might fade away soon, and then what will bind the two erstwhile lovers together is the guilt that the kids will lose their parents.

Dependent Women: Why have women been kept dependent? It directly reduces the chances of a marriage going bust by half. The woman is supported by the man. But, the man can still go elsewhere. Wow, what partiality.

So, my advice is, keep your "lover" attracted towards you, keep him emotionally and physically ecstatic. Physically is more important than emotionally, but never ignore the emotional part. Think of emotional fulfillment as foreplay before intercourse. Then you will understand how important it is. The pleasure from intercourse gets enhanced if there is foreplay. So, always keep your partner emotionally (foreplay) satisfied. Stay physically attractive, dress attractively, walk attractively, etc... I leave the rest to your imagination. And in return, ask your "lover" to understand all this, and follow your rationale.

If the two of you can understand this, and implement it without any qualms, understand the needs of the other human, respect him for that, not bring any guilt inside your relation, You will surely get a partner for life.

You will understand that even if you get attracted to some other person for a short time, that person will not be able to satisfy your physical and emotional (foreplay) needs like your earlier partner in the long run. That self benefit will deter you from breaking your vow of marriage.

Learn to call a spade a spade, else you will never know where you went wrong.

So, remain attracted and remain lovers for life. Understand that the basis of all love is : Attraction

Think Bout It !


At 4:25 PM, Blogger freakgoddess said...

i have been trying so hard..
and u did it with one post!

very concise and well-written..
can i keep a copy?
will edit it and use the point to point break-down somewhere..

PS: i teach ppl laws of attraction (in other words - body language) and all that u have written in ur post - this is all science..

At 8:37 AM, Blogger ShRuTi GuPtA said...

Hey, i disagree with you on the front that it's important 2 be attracted 2 a person 2 love a person.
Let us take the case of an arranged marriage, the folks dont know eachother nd are binded 4 the rest f their lives. In such situations love creeps in, though they might r might not be attracted towards each other.


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